I found a few pieces of maple in Dad's basement to use as replacement parts on the canoe. This is maple from the big plank that was originally part of a stoneboat. The stoneboat was used to clear stones from the fields on the farm. A set of planks was milled with one end turned up about 30 degrees and attached together. A team of horses pulled this through the field, and stones were rolled onto the stoneboat to clear the field.
I have one small piece that will be perfect for fixing the stern seat frame. A second piece, about 2 x 3 x 30 turned out to be the perfect size to use for a replacement thwart. Only one of the thwarts (the cross pieces that tie the gunwales together) is original, and the other one is a rather crude softwood replacement. They were both originally maple, so this piece of wood will be perfect.
That WOOD be perfect! Ha Ha!